Cranbury Historical & Preservation Society
2024 Executive Board and Trustees
Co-Presidents Audrey Smith & Jo D. Andrews
Vice President/Program Chairperson Linda Morgan
Recording Secretary Jennifer Suttmeier
Corresponding Secretary Eileen McGillan
Treasurer Bob Dreyling
Museum Curator Karen Kelley
Steven Golisano
Karen Kelley
Bobbie Marlowe
Cheryl Clarke
Joan Weidner
Kathy Jani
Michaele Kehrt
Linda Schilling
George Smith
Bonnie Wagman
Anupurba Lahiri
Eileen McGillan
Tim Brennan
Jay Taylor
Heather Keltz Scott
Bill Bunting
Norma Swale
Jan Wagner
Jerry Pevahouse
Ginny Swanagan
John Chambers
Acquisitions Karen Kelley, Eileen McGillan, Michaele Kehrt, Susan Saravalli, Linda Schilling
Buildings and Grounds Museum: Ed Kelley
History Center: Open Position
1713 EJ Cottage: Committee
Docents Sue Saravalli
Education Committee
Exhibits Karen Kelley
Finance Bob Dreyling, Kathy Jani, Jay Taylor, George Smith, Steve Silverman, Jo D. Andrews, Brian Barry, Audrey Smith, Linda Schilling, Karen Kelley
Fundraising Committee
Gardens Louise Palagyi, Cheryl Clarke
History Center Director Linda Schilling
Historic Preservation Mark Berkowsky
Membership Audrey Smith, Michaele Kehrt
Museum Inspectors George Smith
Nominating Committee Karen Kelley
Parsonage Barn Audrey Smith
Publicity/Media Delpha Georges
Newsletter Editors Kathy Jani, Anupurba Lahiri, Jean Golisano
Website/Social Media Heather Keltz Scott