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Sharing Our Exhibit with Trenton Artists


The Cranbury Museum hosted a special group of visitors Oct. 22.

Artists, musicians and friends of the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen’s “A-Team” art coalition attended a presentation by Cranbury photographer Jerry Pevahouse. His exhibit of Southern Folk Life, featuring art, original photos, musical recordings, and artifacts from he collected in Perry County Tennessee was well received by the

group, said Susan Darley, the A-Team leader who helped organize the visit.

In addition to Mr. Pevahouse’s presentation, the group joined Cranbury Historical and Preservation Society members as its guests for lunch at the museum.

Jerry Pevahouse addresses the group at the museum. Photo by A-Team artist Lisa Lewis.

“Jerry’s exhibit was splendid and the artists were mesmerized by his firsthand reports of life in Perry County, MS. Darley writes in a thank you not to the CHPS. “The beautify objects in the museum’s collection will be long remembered and the warm welcome you extended to the artists, including the opportunity to break bread together.”

A-Team attendees at the museum. Photo by A-Team artist Lisa Lewis.

Jerry Pevahouse's exhibit ran through November 10. The next featured exhibit of nativity scenes from around the world opens December 8.

More information on the A-Team is available at


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